Barack Obama & Me

The political leader that I most admire is Barack Obama because we have some similar beliefs and goals in some areas such as; women, civil rights, education, and how we view man. As for education I believe that everybody has a right to an education; whether you are a prince, farmer, or physician it is one education for all. Same for Barack Obama, he thinks that everybody has a right to an education and believes in the policy no child left behind. I view man as if he is a creature with passions and powers that vary according to development and age. We are all made to be equal, and the social order of society introduces inequality and unhappiness. This is not what I want the case to be, change is needed. Barack Obama is all for change. As for me and Barack Obama, to be able to be considered free you must be happy with who you are and what you do. Changes are not always bad I have worked on constructing an education and social class that would make man free, natural, and  most important happy. And from what I know about Barack Obama being happy, free, and natural are all great qualities and leads to a successful driven happy life.